Social Media Card

Generating Social Media Cards

You can use Next Cloudinary to easily generate dynamic social media cards for your Next.js app.


CldOgImage does not render an <img> tag, meaning it can't be visually embedded on a page. The following examples make use of the <CldImage> tag to showcase what's possible.

  import { getCldOgImageUrl } from 'next-cloudinary';
    src: '<Your Public ID>',
    overlays: [
        publicId: '<Your Public ID>',
        position: {
          x: 0,
          y: 0,
          gravity: 'north_east',
        effects: [
            crop: 'fill',
            gravity: 'auto',
            width: '0.33',
            height: '1.0'
        flags: ['relative']
        width: 700,
        crop: 'fit',
        text: {
          color: 'black',
          fontFamily: 'Source Sans Pro',
          fontSize: 80,
          fontWeight: 'bold',
          text: '<Your Text>'
        position: {
          x: 50,
          y: -50,
          gravity: 'west',
        width: 700,
        crop: 'fit',
        text: {
          color: 'black',
          fontFamily: 'Source Sans Pro',
          fontSize: 40,
          text: '<Your Text>'
        position: {
          x: 50,
          y: 50,
          gravity: 'west',

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